EWMA Minnesota Chapter Q

Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association, Minnkota District



Weekly Rides

Weekly rides happen every Wednesday and leave from the ride point unless otherwise noted. Our ride point is the mall parking lot located next to Culver's and the Freedom station in the north side of Bass Lake Road (Country Road 10) just east of Interstate 494. (map) We have found it difficult to estimate the return time of our rides with enough precision to be useful.  Normally, our Wednesday night rides get our riders home by 9:30 PM to 10:00 PM. Our weekend rides vary to a great extent.  As a result, we encourage our riders to ask the ride coordinator at the departure location for an estimate of our return time if one is needed. The planned destination and activities indicated may give some indication of when we will return. We will not be riding if it is raining at the start of the ride or rain is forecasted to arrive before we can complete the ride. Sometimes a ride will be shortened to get us home before unexpected rain moves into the area.

Monthy Social

The Chapter has its monthly Social the second Wednesday of each Month, except for December. The Socials start at 6:30 P.M. at Angeno's Pizza and Pasta in Maple Grove (Maple Grove Square; 13588 80th Circle -- 763-420-8200). Find the Google map here.

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